The sadhana Manuals have been prepared in line with the teachings of the siddha guru Parampara and can be accessed and used by any one. Various “ Do it your self Homa” manuals to different deities from basic, regular to advanced versions can be freely downloaded and used. The Homa manuals to various deities like Ganpathi, Lakshmi, Siva, Vishnu, and etc., are available in all major Indian languages and also in few foreign languages.
This is a very fundamental and important version that helps everyone irrespective of their background and proficiency in Sanskrit to quickly learn and perform a homa – as a quick 15 mins regular spiritual practice. This version is particularly useful for those just starting spiritual sadhana also who wanted to enhance their existing sadhanas.
Nityagni enables the aspirants to learn this simple and a very effective process in a quick 2-4 hour long workshops that we conduct in-person in Tiruvannamalai (Arunachalam).
1. Ganapati Homa
2. Guru Homa
3. Lakshmi Homa
4. Nava Graha Homa
5. Surya Graha Homa
6. Chandra Graha Homa
7. Kuja Graha Homa
8. Budha Graha Homa
9. Bruhaspati Graha Homa
10. Shukra Graha Homa
11. Shani Graha Homa
12. Rahu Graha Homa
13. Ketu Graha Homa
14. Shiva Homa
15. Vishnu Homa
16. Durga Homa
17. Saraswathi Homa
18. Hanuman Homa
19. Bhairava Homa
20. Subramanya Homa
21. Gayatri Homa
22. Sri Krishna Homa
23. Sri Rama Homa
24. Narasimha Homa
25. Santana Gopala Homa
26. Dattatreya Homa
27. Sri Venkateswara Homa
28. Chandi Navarna Homa
Regular homa version enables a spiritual aspirant to perform a traditional homa as described in the scriptures. This version incorporates various procedures and simple to medium complex mantras. Nityagni offers workshop of 8 hours to enable aspirants to perform this homa by themselves through online and in-person in Tiruvannamalai.
- Ganapati Homa
- Lakshmi Homa
- Vishnu Homa
- Shiva Homa
- Saraswati Homa
- Gayatri Homa
- Guru Homa
We recommend this version to advanced homa practitioners and Sadhakas. This version introduces complex nuances of homa procedures and detailed processes for performing homas for mantra purascharana.
Nityagni teaches this homam process for the Sadhakas performing regular version in an advanced workshop of 18-20 hours.
Sadhakas who are initiated to Mantra sadhana programs can utilize these manuals.
- Maha Ganapati Homa
- Tara Mahavidya Homa
- Sadhaka Japa Vidhi
- Simple Japa Vidhi
Our sages have provided various procedures and prayers for mankind. Nityagni guides on these rituals for aspirants.
- Simple Japa Vidhi
- Tarpana Vidhi
- Bhojana Vidhi