Maheshwara Puja

Annadana Seva to Sadhus and Pilgrims in Arunachalam

Maheshwara puja is an act of offerings to lord Shiva, who is in the form of Sadhus. as part of this, Thaaimadideepam is performing Annaprasadam to Sadhus in Arunachalam. 

The word Annadanam literally means offering food to the people. People cannot live without food, hence the donors of Annadanam are also considered as donors of ‘Pranadanam’. People who will donate for Annadanam would get great honour in the court of the LORD. One must serve mankind selflessly to get rewards that are beyond your accepted wisdom. When you request for something in front of lord, it gets fulfilled on the basis of your deeds. The deed of Annadanam helps people to truncate their sins.